Saturday, October 1, 2011

What commodities is the fastet selling in a small general mini market?

We want to start a small food/general mini market from the front of our house in Indonesia. What type of commodities/stock sell the fastest inclusive of which have the highest profit margin?

Thank you|||Sugar, salt and eating oil.|||honestly, beer and cigarettes, blunt rolling papers and pre paid cell phone minutes are volume sellers. although they may not yield the highest profit per item, in volume the profits add up..... plus the key is too get people in the store too spend...having this stuff available is key as they will grab the other junk, soda, chips, cigars, milk n eggs... bread etc... walmart has made the largest retail chain off of low prices and huge volume... some say theyre a monopoly fixing cheap prices and ruining compeition and small business with cheaper goods n services... even pharmaceuticals..... as far as the highest profit margin? i wouldnt even bother, you want too move volume/bulk to make doe... why have something in your store that has a huge profit margin but it may not sell as much as say the easy sellers, smokes, alcohol, soda etc... you can assume one item is killer in terms of profits, but i think the best advice is too put different things on the shelves and see what moves the quickest!!! youll know what that stuff is when its selling out every month.... you wont be able too keep in on the shelves..... everything depends on timing as well.. obviously around holidays, you want extra alcohol, charcol, and grilling items.. paper plates lighter fluid etc... like christmas you would want wrapping paper, tape, and scissors..... and wine, cheese, turkeys, hams etc... just gotta open that store up! people will bug you too death asking you where an item is if you dont have it... better get it!! the consumer will dictate what your shelves should have.... back the ole supply n deman theory in economics...... good luck!!!|||Beer, cigarettes, soda, chips and other snacks, etc. Don't know about indonesia though, you might have better luck with actual foodstocks like canned goods if its in a poor region. Although I imagine Kretek cigarettes are fairly popular in that area of the world.|||ice cream 50% mark up gross (singles)

greeting cards 80-90 % mark up

medicines 60 %

pet food 30-60%

pop sweets crisps 30-70 %

beer wine spirits cigs 5-20% high risk of theft and robbery

batteries 50%+

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