My best buddy and lil mini daschund is sick at her stomach. She is lively and acts fine except for that. Should I just let her lie down for a while, and at what point should I need to call a veternarian? Any answers will be deeply appreciated. Thanks and God Bless!|||Im not a vet but have had and do have dachs. ARE shots up to date, this is important in first year. They are notorious for eating too much or things they should not. First check she is not dyhydrated. Do this by pulling up loose skin back area. If it is slow to spring back down she is dyhydrated. and check gums for white pale color, this means ememic or infection. So that needs vet attention. Check bowls for worms. You can give her teaspoon of pepto bismal for tummy pain. My best guess is she ate too fast and is having a tummy ache to pass it out. Make sure she drinks and control food till she has bowel. If bloody get to vet soon. You might get her to calm down with gental tummy rub. Mother dogs lick pups to help digestion. Check nothing is stuck in throat also. Roseabelle (my mini)and I wish you well *mamatx|||I'm not sure if your dachshund is a puppy or an adult dog so not sure if she's up to date on all her shots. If she's fully vaccinated and isn't suffering from diarrhea and seems to be lively and acting normally, I think you should try to withhold her food for 12 - 18 hours to give her digestive system a chance to settle down.
After that time, try feeding her some plain, boiled white rice with a little chicken broth, and if she does okay with that you can go on to reintroduce her regular food. It's important to make sure that she always has lots of fresh water available though.
If after this she still is vomiting I would contact your veterinarian right away.
If she's not up to date on her shots, is a puppy, or seems to be unwell in any other way, then I would recommend taking her to a veterinarian immediately as she could be starting to show symptoms of one of the contagious dog illnesses puppies are prone to.
You can find out more about symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of the most common dog illnesses on this page鈥?/a>
Best of luck with her, hope she's feeling better soon.|||If she is active, more than likely she chugged her food too quickly. Ours also like to lick up hair or fuzz from the carpet, which of course makes them vomit. You'd think they'd catch on eventually. *sigh*
Now, if you mean she has diarrhea, I'd keep an eye on her. Sometimes they just have things not agree with their stomaches, like people.
If she continues to be sick through the night, I'd get in touch with a vet.|||I think you could just call your vet, and only take her in if the vet says to. My Russian Terrier was like this two months ago, and it was no reason to worry. All he did was eat my boyfriends ring and it upset his stomach. After three days when he pooped it out, he was fine (not to be gross).
How long has she been sick?
Is there anything she could have eaten?
Have you recently changed her diet?
If she has been sick for 4 or more days call the vet and explain what is wrong.
If she ate something, becareful, it could be harmful.
It can be dangerous to change a animals diet, it is best to stick to one food.|||if she puked she may have aten grass outside that will make that happen. As long as she is still drinking water and acting fine just give it some time. like over night. If she becomes lethargic and wont take water then take her to the vet. Is she old?? My dog stopped eating and drinking and actually didnt eat or drink anything for 5 days even with vet meds and he only weighs seven pounds to begin with. it was awful he almost died, it was terrible. Point being if shes older and has bad teeth it can cause a blood infection. Just an idea. Good luck hope he feels better soon. Try mild foods too the thing that finally got my dog eating again was plain old white rice. You can also give the dog pedialyte if its not drinking water, a dropper usually helps.|||If she acts lively...let her be a while. But watch her closely. If she continues to act normally, the upset stomach will probably pass. Watch her food and water intake and output and note any changes. If symptoms start to get worse or the sickness last longet than a day or two, you might want to go to the vet. But probably you will wake in the mornig and have your dog back to her usual self.|||My puppy had diahrea and I called the vet and she told me as long as he is still being spunky he should be okay if he starts acting lathargic then take him in might be different with vomiting...could mean she ate something she wasn't spose to. Call the vet tomorrow and see what they tell you. Also keep her hydrated and don't feed her any food for 24 hrs..or in your case until you talk to the vet. NOt feeding her will not hurt her. Dogs are pack animals and sometimes in a pack dogs would have to go much longer without food so going a day without food will be okay. But do call the vet.|||Just hang out with her tonight, give her plenty of water, and maybe don't give her any food until you talk to the doctor in the morning. she probably ate a bug, or something that did not agree with her, and she should recover within 24 hours.|||I would contact your vet immediately! She could have the early stages of parvo or may have gotten into something that could be poisonous. better safe than sorry.|||you should let her rest and if she is still sick take her to a vet
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