I have just started playing paintball and airsoft and really getting into them both, then I saw that you can get mini-paintballs and use your airsoft gun for both. Do you think they are a smart idea? What do you think about them overall? And do you think indoor or outdoor paintball places would let you use them? Thanks, I will be selecting a best answer.|||Definitely not! Those mini-paintball bbs are horrible for any airsoft gun. They are cheap and are very prone to breaking/exploding inside your gun and causing lots of problems.|||Major advantage to Airsoft : bbs are cheaper, clean and looks awesome.
Airsoft guns have precision barrels and most paint bb are not "hard enough" or "precise enough" to work well in an Airsoft gun.
And yes, if they break inside your barrel, it means trouble.
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|||no do not ever use paintball ammo on airsoft guns or vice versa[unless it says on the manual]
the result is a damaged and jammed gun
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