Friday, September 23, 2011

What matches with a maroon colored plaid mini?

I live in Indonesia, Jakarta so the weather is going to be humid. I just bought Miley cyrus brand maroon colored plaid mini from Walmart and I'm planning to wear it for my date but I'm confused on what I should wear for the top and the shoes. Any ideas?? And if you could provide some pictures, it would be great. Thanks in advance. XD|||It all depends on your age and how you look, so see what you like personaly. Always accent outfits with something unique Good luck on your first/not first date. You speak great english. Are you indeonesian?

Try getting inspired by these::

1. Wear:

a white tank top/cami

a baggy blouse with gold or sliver accents

if silver: white shoes and silver hoops

if gold: gold shoes and pearls

2. a red v neck 3/4 sleeve with a short sleeve large cardigan and *** boots and earrings

3. some thing like these鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a> of these tops鈥?/a>鈥?/a>|||Yeah im Indonesian.. thanks a lot!! hahaha..

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|||I love plaid skirts. I would go with a solid top, or near solid. Make sure the colors go well together. A nice scarf can really set it off.|||I've seen that same skirt worn with a t-shirt, skinny suspenders and converse. I thought that looked amazing.

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