Friday, September 23, 2011

What is the difference between a mini laptop and a regular laptop?

Is it just that the mini laptop is smaller? Or are there other things that are different?|||Mini's are smaller and usually don't have a CD ROM.|||I'm assuming your talking about the Dell Mini, or a Netbook vs a regular Notebook?

The Mini or Notebook class have less ram, single core processor, smaller screen, smaller batteries but run more efficiently. 99% of the time they do not have a CD/DVD drive.

They cannot run as graphic intensive programs, have as much hard drive memory, and they will always have a non standard size keyboard.

The main usage of these computers is to have portability at the cost of functionality, however most people don't use the full functionality of there laptops, you may hardly notice the difference in functionality.

If you have any other questions feel free to PM me.|||I think the mini laptops you are talking about are called Notebooks, then the normal laptops are just laptops.

Most of the Notebooks run on a system called Linux, which is basically aimed at younger children, or people who are just beginniners with computers. This means its quite limited, and its completely different from Windows. However you can get laptops that run on Windows XP, but I havent seen any that are Windows Vista.|||Uh, I'd imagine one would be *mini*, and one would be *regular*?

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