Sunday, September 18, 2011

At what age can my mini schnauzer puppy start eating dry dog food? Is it ok if I switch dogfood brands?

My mini schnauzer puppy is now 2 1/2 months old and I still feed him dog food moistened with water.|||Oh yea she is plenty old enough to eat dry food. Puppys can eat dry food as soon and they are good and weaned from the mom. Dry food is better for dogs because it helps reduce tarter build up on the teeth and is easier on their stomachs. It shouldn't be a problem to change the brand if you want but slowly mix it in with the old for a while to get him used to it. However keep him on puppy food until he is around a year old then switch to adult food. It is better on there systems and good for them while they are developing and growing up.|||she can eat dry dog food now

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|||now is a pretty good time. yes its fine if u switch brands|||I don't think you should switch dog food brands because I read somewhere that it might give your puppy/dog a stomach ache.|||wait till the dog is about 6mo. and is done with teething then if you switch brands you have to mix the new dog food with the old dog food gradually so the dog wont have an upset stomach and get diarrhea.|||I don't know about the age thing, but whe you do decide to switch brands make sure you do it slowly. Add a little of the new food to his normal food, and slowly increase the amount of new food used. If you change too quickly without giving him a chance to adjust then you will end up with a pup who has a nasty upset stomach. No one likes cleaning up runny poop and vomit.|||For switching to dry , try giving him a few pieces and see how he handles it. If you see he is having a hard time then wait a bit longer.

When introducing a new food , do it very gradually. just add a small amount to the food he is on now and about once a week use more of the new food and less of the regular. Increase the amount of the new food ratio until the puppy is only on the new.

Puppys are like human babies, too quick a change in food and they can end up with colic.

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